Codeml(PAML)を用いた dN dS の算出



# ダウンロード,インストール
git clone
tar -xvf paml4.9j.tar
cd paml4.9j
rm bin/*.exe
cd src
make -f Makefile
ls -lF
rm *.o
mkdir ../bin
mv baseml basemlg chi2 codeml evolver infinitesites mcmctree pamp yn00 ../bin

# テストラン
cd ../

※ なぜか pamlのフォルダの中からしか動かせなかった(おそらくPATHの問題だが解決できなかった)



> in.phy
2 12

依存:tranalign, mafft

# 環境作る
conda create -n alignforcodeml
conda install -c bioconda seqkit emboss mafft -y

# ペプチド配列参考にアライメント
## NやXがあると動かない
mafft --thread 10 pep.fa > pep.a.fa
tranalign cds.fa pep.a.fa cds_basedpep_a.fa

# fastaからphylipにする(cds_basedpep_a.fa > in.phy)
## 改行なしfasta
awk '{if ($1 ~ /^>/) print "\n"$1; else printf $1}' cds_basedpep_a.fa | \
    sed -e '1d' | grep -v ">" > nofold.tmp
## 配列数・配列長のカウント
seqkit stat cds_basedpep_a.fa  > stat.tmp
t=$(awk '{print $4}' stat.tmp | tail -n 1)
l=$(awk '{print $7}' stat.tmp | tail -n 1 | sed 's/,//g')
echo -e "$t $l\n" > header
## 整形
seqkit fx2tab -n cds_basedpep_a.fa > Name
paste -d " " Name nofold.tmp | sed -e 's/ /    /g' > phylip.tmp
cat header phylip.tmp > in.phy
rm *tmp


bin/codeml codeml.ctl

※ codeml. ctlの中身を解析に合わせて書き換えて実行
※ 参考:​
※ 参考:​

> codeml.ctl
seqfile = in.phy                   * sequence data file name
outfile = mlc                      * main result file name
treefile = stewart.trees           * tree structure file name

noisy = 9                          * 0,1,2,3,9: how much rubbish on the screen
verbose = 0                        * 1: detailed output, 0: concise output
runmode = 0                        * 0: user tree; 1: semi-automatic; 2: automatic
                                   * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5): PerturbationNNI; -2: pairwise
seqtype = 2                        * 1: codons; 2: AAs; 3: codons-->AAs
CodonFreq = 2                      * 0: 1/61 each, 1: F1X4, 2: F3X4, 3: codon table

ndata = 10
clock = 0                          * 0: no clock, 1: clock; 2: local clock
aaDist = 0                         * 0: equal, +: geometric; -: linear, 1-6: G1974, Miyata, c, p, v, a
                                   * 7: AAClasses
aaRatefile = wag.dat               * only used for aa seqs with model = empirical(_F)
                                   * dayhoff.dat, jones.dat, wag.dat, mtmam.dat, or your own
model = 2                          * models for codons:
                                   * 0: one, 1: b, 2: 2 or more dN/dS ratios for branches
                                   * models for AAs or codon-translated AAs:
                                   * 0: poisson, 1: proportional, 2: Empirical, 3: Empirical+F
                                   * 5: FromCodon0, 6: FromCodon1, 8: REVaa_0, 9: REVaa(nr=189)
NSsites = 0                        * 0: one w; 1: neutral; 2: selection; 3: discrete; 4: freqs;
                                   * 5: gamma; 6: 2gamma; 7: beta; 8: beta&w; 9: betaγ
                                   * 10: beta&gamma+1; 11: beta&normal>1; 12: 0&2normal>1;
                                   * 13: 3normal>0
icode = 0                          * 0: universal code; 1: mammalian mt; 2-11: see below

Mgene = 0                          * 0: rates, 1: separate;
fix_kappa = 0                      * 1: kappa fixed, 0: kappa to be estimated
kappa = 2                          * initial or fixed kappa
fix_omega = 0                      * 1: omega or omega_1 fixed, 0: estimate
omega = 0.4                        * initial or fixed omega, for codons or codon-based AAs
fix_alpha = 1                      * 0: estimate gamma shape parameter; 1: fix it at alpha
alpha = 0.                         * initial or fixed alpha, 0: infinity (constant rate)
Malpha = 0                         * different alphas for genes
ncatG = 3                          * # of categories in dG of NSsites models
fix_rho = 1                        * 0: estimate rho; 1: fix it at rho
rho = 0.                           * initial or fixed rho, 0: no correlation

getSE = 0                          * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates
RateAncestor = 0                   * (0,1,2): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (1 or 2)
Small_Diff = .5e-6

cleandata = 0                      * remove sites with ambiguity data (1: yes, 0: no)?
fix_blength = 0                    * 0: ignore, -1: random, 1: initial, 2: fixed, 3: proportional
method = 0                         * 0: simultaneous; 1: one branch at a time


> codeml.ctl
seqfile = in.phy                 * 配列データ
seqtype = 1                      * cdsだから1
outfile = results.txt            * 出力ファイル名
noisy = 9                        * 詳細な出力を表示
verbose = 1                      * 詳細レベル
runmode = -2                     * ペアワイズの比較モード
model = 2                        * ペアワイズの時ここ意味あるのかわからん


> codeml.ctl
seqfile = in.phy                 * 配列データ
seqtype = 1                      * cdsだから1
treefile = in.nwk                * 系統樹データ
outfile = results.txt            * 出力ファイル名
noisy = 9                        * 詳細な出力を表示
verbose = 1                      * 詳細レベル
runmode = 0                      * 系統樹を使用するモード
model = 1                        * すべての枝で独立なomega
NSsites = 0                      * サイトごとに同一なomega
